Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Spiffy New Shoes

Okay first off I am such a horrible blogger... I forget I even have this thing.. haha. I promise I will try to do better. Anywho to the topic of discussion... My Spiffy New Shoes! I have purchased myself some way cute way fun silver shoes... but these shoes came at a great cost.... INVENTORY!!! a few weeks ago one of my employees came to me and asked if she could have the night of the 24th off and work late on the 25 I of course asked why and she said.. "My sister says they need help with inventory at the nordstrom rack and I want to help out... You get paid and you get a 20% discount day)" My response was... can I help... Why oh Why did I ever think that I don't know... I loathe Inventory... I worked for an inventory complany for like 6 months and hated every minute and I swore up and down that I would never do it out side my salon ever again!! Yet alas on the night of the 24th I found myself at the nordstrom rack with a scanner and a pen scanning numberless amounts of make up and perfume and nylons, etc. I then was given my little card for 20% off on the next day... My intention was not to even go but after putting myself through such torture I decided I might as well go see what I can find... So I wandered around the Rack for hours.... I'm not a big shopper. I hate it in fact. and I was having no luck which was making it even worse... then I went to the shoes and walked up and down the isles and then... I saw them.... my Shoes!!! and at 20% off!!.... My shoes made inventory well worth it!...See...

Sunday, August 2, 2009

The Lake

This past week I finally got to the Lake. It's been forever since I had a great trip to the lake and that all changed this week. I went up and spent a couple days at Bear Lake probably my favorite spot of all time. Spent most of my time out on the water either with the boat or Ron's Sea doos. I have the bumps and bruises to prove it.. haha. My cousin Tiffany came with me and I am so glad she did we had a blast and got us both excited for our road trip to california come the end of the month. here are a few pics.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Babysitting Adventures.

So my sister Ashley has been trying to get to babysit her 3 kids (Jonah 5, Lilly 3, and Jayne 8months) for a few weeks now and I've always been busy. So a week in advance I told her I would babysit her kids last saturday. So saturday comes and I get there Jonah yells.. Aunt Rachel is here! It makes me so happy that those Kiddos love me.... anywho. Right before Mom and Dad leave Jonah decides he wants to play wii...(first off I have only ever played a wii once in my life for like 2 min. so I'm a beginner) Nate set up the wii and off they went. My 5 yr old nephew then proceeded to teach me how to play the wii.After wii we watched a movie of some disney cartoons and of course Lilly needed a snack... i.e. cookies, fruit snacks, something with sugar... I gave her the peaches she didn't eat at dinner. 8 o'clock started to get closer and closer Bedtime. Ashley had mentioned if I gave them baths that Lilly need to wash her hair so I decided we were going to skip them and just do bed Jayne was getting fussy and I wanted to keep her up just a little while longer. About 7:50 Jonah "we want to get in the tub" "Are you sure?" "YES!" They love their baths... so into the bathroom I trek with 3 little kids following after... 2 of them stripped down before i even got the water going. Lilly and Jonah were in the tub and I thought feed Jayne her bottle put her in bed get them out.... Jayne would have none of it! She too had to get in that tub! so we stripped her down and let her splash around for a few minutes til my arms hurt from holding her up. Got her out in her diaper and put her in her walker so I could wash Lilly's hair. Jayne did not like that idea... neither did Lilly. We got the other 2 out of the tub and on their way to get dressed. made Jaynes bottle and started to feed her. check on the other two and there Lilly is Naked kneeling on the ground with her little butt in the air right infront of her big window that leads outside. mooning the world. eventually we got everyone in Jammies and everyone in bed. after that I collapsed on the couch and just relaxed. first time that day. One exciting night... hahah. but I loved it.

Friday, July 24, 2009


So yesterday when I got to work I noticed I had a big envelope from the U.S. Department of Justice. I of course proceeded to open the envelope and discovered that it was about the robbery and that they have charged someone and that they have a date to go to trial before a judge. This was all news to me.. last I heard the case was going to be put on the backburner if their leads led nowhere and since I hadn't heard from them I figured it was. So needless to say I'm in a state of shock I don't know quite how to feel about the whole thing. Honestly I wish they never found the guy. I know it sounds crazy for me to say that but I really don't want to have to see this guy ever again.. and as slim a chance as it is... revenge for being caught does enter your mind. So honestly if I had to say I would say i'm scared out of my mind.. and I know that the justice system has all these victims rights and things where if I don't want to I don't have to but still. Hopefully it gets settled out of court that they just make a plea deal and hopefully it will all get put behind me for somewhat good. So ya thats where the whole thing is at now... wish it was done and over with.. but alas what can you do.

Thursday, July 23, 2009


Look at me go! I am now a blogger. Haha. okay so anywho... this is for all those people who want to keep up with my ever changing life... ya know friends relatives.. the whole bit. this is for You!
I guess I should give you the quick rundown of what I've been upto and what I am upto at this point in my life.
Well I am now 24. Single. living in Sandy Utah. I am a cosmetologist and I manage a SuperCuts salon out here. It is lots of fun but lots of work. Luckily I have the most amazing staff and honestly that makes my life so much easier. I have been living in the Salt Lake Valley area for 2 years now and I love where I am at. I am still involved with SkillsUSA (the student organization, nerd thing) and I absolutely Love it. It has helped me out so much in my life I wouldn't even know where to begin. As stated I am single and no there is not any one special person in my life... I am going on dates but haven't found anyone worth dating. I have had some excitement to my year thus far it came in with quite the bang. On Feb. 27 at 6:32 p.m. I was robbed at knife point at my salon. Scariest moment of my life. It shook me up and I won't lie I do still have my nervous days but I tell myself.. thats one of those once in your lifetime things and lets hope that was the only time I have to experience that. Also this year I have had the joy of my basement flooding, my car getting a flat tire and the tire getting stuck on the car, and now something else is up with the car... but alas its all part of life... it's what makes it interesting. On a better note. I have had a great year also. I went back to Kansas with Skills in June and that was a blast. and I'm headed to D.C. in September with them for another training. and don't forget Grandpas Birthday Bash in cali. plannin to hit that. Okay well I feel like i'm writing a novel here. so I'm going to stop. at least for now. haha.